

■Westworld and Philosophy: If You Go Looking for the Truth, Get the Whole Thing (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)


■Westworld: What Does It Mean to Be Human?(人間であることの意味とは?)

Westworld: What Does It Mean to Be Human?
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Where does the line between man and machine lie?

■How sound is the psychology of Westworld?(ウエストワールドの心理は、どの程度健全なのでしょうか。)

How sound is the psychology of Westworld?
Disclaimer: I am very much a layman in these areas of research, so please do amend the question in order to conform to c...

■Westworld Doesn’t Understand the Nature of Consciousness(ウエストワールドは意識の本質を理解していない)

Westworld Doesn’t Understand the Nature of Consciousness
Of course, nobody else does either. But Westworld understands it less.

■We’re All Living in a Video Game(私たちは皆、ビデオゲームの中で生きている)

We’re All Living in a Video Game
Elon Musk and the metaphysics of reality

■The Philosophical Landscape of “Westworld”(”ウエストワールド “の哲学的風景)

The Philosophical Landscape of “Westworld”
At the halfway point of HBO’s unsettling new series Westworld – a J.J. Abrams reboot of the 1973 film written and direct...

■Books that delve into the philosophical aspect of Westworld ?(ウエストワールドの哲学的側面を掘り下げた書籍 ?)

Books that delve into the philosophical aspect of Westworld ? from westworld


■Any book recommendations?(ウエストワールドに似たテーマの本のおすすめ)


■Stand On Zanzibar (S.F. Masterworks)(ウエストワールドに近いSF小説?)


■脳の意識 機械の意識 – 脳神経科学の挑戦



東大医師・研究者が選ぶおすすめ脳科学・神経科学本10+3選(2023年9月最新版)|Daichi Konno / 紺野 大地
こんにちは、東京大学医学部附属病院で医師として勤務しつつ、池谷裕二研究室と松尾豊研究室で脳や人工知能の研究をしている紺野大地と申します。 これまで脳科学・神経科学本はかなり読んできた方だと思いますが、この記事ではその中でも自信を持ってオスス...

■10 books to read if you love Westworld(Westworldが好きなら読むべき 10 冊の本)

10 books to read if you love 'Westworld'
Robots, westerns, and meditations on the concept of humanity abound

※「Sphere by Michael Crichton」は、2022/10/25時点で、まだ読んでいる途中。

■‘Westworld’: Co-Creator Lisa Joy Promises “New Worlds” In Season 4(ウエストワールドのシーズン4を一言で表す等)

‘Westworld’: Co-Creator Lisa Joy Promises “New Worlds” In Season 4
EXCLUSIVE: Season 4 of Westworld, as we first told you, has returned to filming at the Melody Ranch in Santa Clarita, CA...

■Best Sci-fi Books on Free Will(自由意志に関する最高のSF本)

Best Sci-fi Books on Free Will (5 books)
5 books based on 3 votes: Tomorrow's End by G.R. Morris, The Creator's Eye: Mover of Fate by R.N. Feldman, Sideshow by S...

■Best Books to Help You Understand How The World Really Works(世界の本当の仕組みを知るためのベストブック

Best Books to Help You Understand How The World Really Works (266 books)
266 books based on 138 votes: Being and Time by Martin Heidegger, Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky, Simulacra and...

■Westworld warns ‘free will is not free’ in bleak season 3 teaser of decimated host(Westworldは「自由意志は自由ではない」と警告し、壊滅的なホストのシーズン3ティーザーを公開した。)

Westworld warns ‘free will is not free’ in bleak season 3 teaser of decimated host
WESTWORLD’S latest series will see the hosts heading out of the famous theme-park for the first time – but a new teaser ...

■Outliers Are the Key to the Survival of the Human Race in ‘Westworld’(”ウエストワールド”人類存続のカギを握るのは「外れ値」だ)

Outliers Are the Key to the Survival of the Human Race in 'Westworld'
The outliers in 'Westworld' Season 4 are important for the survival of the human race, but what and who are they exactly...

■Westworld’s Outliers, Explained(”ウエストワールド”の異常者(外れ値)、解説)

Westworld's Outliers, Explained
One of the most significant features of HBO’s science-fiction series ‘Westworld’ is its depiction of the conflicts that ...

